Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Growth Circle Creatives. Growth Circle Creatives assumes you agree to the following terms and conditions if you use this website.

1. Copyright

  • Copyright on this website and on the individual written portions, photographs, moving images, music, sounds and other copyright material (collectively known as “Content”) belongs to Growth Circle Creatives, the original copyright holder or other rights holder.
  • With the exception of printing or storing website Content for personal use as recognized under copyright law, reproducing, publicly distributing, altering or deleting Content, or reproducing Content on a customer's website, without permission from Growth Circle Creatives or the original copyright holder, is strictly prohibited by copyright law. You are requested to contact Growth Circle Creatives in advance to obtain the necessary permission. However, note that permission may not be granted in cases involving images, material that includes copyrights or trademarks of a third party, or when judged inappropriate by Growth Circle Creatives.
  • Even when you use the Content after receiving Growth Circle Creatives permission, you are requested to display the copyright notice specified by Growth Circle Creatives. The copyright notice may not be changed or deleted without advance permission from Growth Circle Creatives.

2. Trademarks

Rights to the trademarks, logos, and trade names of this website and on this website belong to Growth Circle Creatives or the individual rights holders. With the exception of instances recognized under trademark law and other laws, the use of these without permission from Growth Circle Creatives is strictly prohibited under trademark law. If you want to use them, you are requested to contact Growth Circle Creatives in advance to obtain the necessary permission.

3. Use of the website

  • Growth Circle Creatives makes no warranty of any kind with respect to Content and other information (“Content, etc.”) provided on this website, including but not limited to the accuracy, usefulness or validity of the Content, etc. Growth Circle Creatives shall not be liable for any damage incurred through the use of the Content, etc.
  • Growth Circle Creatives may change or discontinue the structure of this website, the Terms and Conditions of Use, the URL and Content, etc. without prior notice.
  • Growth Circle Creatives may suspend or discontinue the operation of this website without prior notice.
  • Growth Circle Creatives uses cookies and web beacon technology to improve visitor convenience and improve and enhance the quality of this website. When you use the website, “cookies” save the history, etc. of your use communicated between your browser and our webserver onto your computer to make your next visit to our website more convenient. Information such as your name, address and telephone number is not saved in the cookie itself. The information gathered by the cookie is sent by our webserver to our analytics tool vendor (Google Analytics, etc.) and stored by them, and we receive statistical data about how our website is viewed (number of views, length of visit, etc.) from the stored data using an ASP service provided by the analytics tool vendor(s).
  • Data obtained by Google Analytics is managed in accordance with Google LLC’s privacy policy. The Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy can be viewed at the webpages below:
  • Google Analytics Terms of
  • Google Privacy Policy:
  • You may invalidate cookies using your browser’s settings. However, please be aware that this may result in the website operating incorrectly.

4. Linking to the website

  • Linking to Growth Circle Creatives website is permitted on condition that prior permission is obtained from Growth Circle Creatives, and provided that the site that wishes to link to the website is involved in business or work related to Growth Circle Creatives. Even when the linking website's business is related to Growth Circle Creatives, linking to Growth Circle Creatives website without prior permission from Growth Circle Creatives is prohibited. If you wish to link to Growth Circle Creatives website, you are requested to contact Growth Circle Creatives in advance.
  • Websites linked to or from this website (including the websites of subsidiaries and affiliates of Growth Circle Creatives) are not controlled by Growth Circle Creatives. Growth Circle Creatives shall not be liable for the content of such sites or any damage incurred in the use of such content.
  • Providing a link from a website that comes under, or is suspected of coming under, any of the following is strictly prohibited:
  • A website that contains content intended to libel or defame Growth Circle Creatives or any of its affiliates, their directors or employees.
  • A website that contains material offensive to public order and morality that may damage Growth Circle Creatives credibility or integrity.
  • A website that uses frame links, etc. that make it unclear that the material referred to comes from Growth Circle Creatives website.
  • A website that gives the false impression of the existence of an alliance or collaborative arrangement with Growth Circle Creatives, or that gives the false impression that Growth Circle Creatives recognizes or endorses the linked site.
  • Growth Circle Creatives may request the deletion of any link to which 3 above applies, regardless of any permission previously granted by Growth Circle Creatives.

5. Idea proposals

Growth Circle Creatives conducts its own R&D and devises programs and strategies for advertising and communication. Unless Growth Circle Creatives makes public notice that it is accepting proposals for new technologies or designs, or ideas, memos, concepts or other proposals for advertising or marketing, it does not accept such proposals in principle.

If for some reason Growth Circle Creatives receives a proposal despite this stated policy, Growth Circle Creatives will assume that the idea has been sent after the sender accepts the following conditions:

  • Growth Circle Creatives assumes no obligation to maintain confidentiality of the idea
  • Growth Circle Creatives assumes no obligation to review, evaluate or utilize the idea
  • Growth Circle Creatives assumes no obligation to pay compensation to the customer who sent the idea or any third party in the case that Growth Circle Creatives releases or publicly announces the idea in part or in full, or a similar product or service
  • Growth Circle Creatives is free to use the idea sent in as it sees fit. Additionally, the sender exerts no copyright or any other right in relation to the idea.

6. Downloading of software

When users download software from websites linked to Growth Circle Creatives website, they are requested to observe all conditions concerning the licensing of such software. Growth Circle Creatives accepts no liability in relation to the installation or use of such software.